Step 2 – Eagle View

Years of experience have shown us that, following residential treatment, young adults can have a very difficult time learning the skills necessary to reintegrate into society with a lifestyle that is sober and independent.
Step 2 – Eagle View

Step 2 – Eagle View was designed by our founder, Ryan Salter, with a focus on providing transitional care so that the skills formulated in residential treatment stay intact when clients leave the highly structured environment at the Lake House.

During Step 2, clients develop their executive function capacity and apply these skills to processes such as the managing of money, learning to find and keep a job, developing a sober peer network, structuring their time productively, and having sober fun. It is this step that helps clients, in a planned and structured way, increase momentum down the road to success in recovery.

Lifelong Sobriety.

Things can get better, we’re ready to help!
Addictions We Treat​


Prescription drug addiction can be a burden not only to the user, but also to his or her immediate family, friends, and the society in general.


An addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency.


A rampant disease that claims thousands of lives every year, and it’s only getting worse, as many people use heroin as a last resort drug to feed their prescription painkiller addiction.


Addiction to crystal meth invariably leads to serious health concerns. This powerful, man-made stimulant moves users through stages of abuse to full-blown addiction rapidly, taking with it much of the life they once enjoyed.


While Marijuana may not be as life-threatening as heroin or cocaine, developing a marijuana addiction is possible and can have immensely negative effects on the body and brain.

Synthetic Drugs

Over 300 different variations of synthetic and designer drugs have been identified in the past several years in the United States.