Step 1 – Lake House

Many programs are structured to help clients simply graduate from the program. Ascend Recovery is different. Our program is formulated to help our clients achieve the initial goal of reaching a full year clean and sober, and then supporting them in recovery for life. We know our clients and their families want to be done with the pain of addiction. This step is the beginning of that healing process.
Step 1 – Lake House

Our program starts at our residential level of care that we call Step 1 – Lake House. Clients at the Lake House will be immersed in a clinically rigorous program. Clients at this step participate in relational-based individual and group therapy with therapists unparalleled in their expertise. They are also seen weekly by our board-certified psychiatrist. This therapeutic first step focuses on addressing the underlying mental health and trauma issues related to a client’s addiction.

While at the Lake House, our clients will also participate in many experiential therapies designed to deepen their therapeutic work such as a high ropes course, equine therapy, and art therapy.

Step 1 also starts to teach the importance of diet and exercise in the therapeutic process, as well as the importance of recovery support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous.

Ultimately, in Step 1, compassion guides the healing process. The work done at the Lake House truly sets our clients up for success with their ongoing recovery and the lives they have imagined for themselves.

Addictions We Treat​


Prescription drug addiction can be a burden not only to the user, but also to his or her immediate family, friends, and the society in general.


An addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency.


A rampant disease that claims thousands of lives every year, and it’s only getting worse, as many people use heroin as a last resort drug to feed their prescription painkiller addiction.


Addiction to crystal meth invariably leads to serious health concerns. This powerful, man-made stimulant moves users through stages of abuse to full-blown addiction rapidly, taking with it much of the life they once enjoyed.


While Marijuana may not be as life-threatening as heroin or cocaine, developing a marijuana addiction is possible and can have immensely negative effects on the body and brain.

Synthetic Drugs

Over 300 different variations of synthetic and designer drugs have been identified in the past several years in the United States.